This might be the big one!

The latest Google Search ranking update is laser-focused on ecommerce, specifically product reviews:

Now dubbed the Product Review System, Google is signalling that they’re ready to “better reward high quality product reviews, which is content that provides insightful analysis and original research and is written by experts or enthusiasts who know the topic well.”

Shouldn’t product reviews only be written by customers?

For those who’ve been following our content creation methodology, you understand why subject-matter expert created reviews are more powerful for getting your site rewarded by Google. A quick primer for everyone else: customer reviews build trust, reviews by subject matter experts show expertise. And the biggest differentiation in ranking a website today is expertise.

Don’t believe me? Google’s own documentation reads:

“Publishing high quality product review pages on your ecommerce or product review site can help shoppers learn more about a product before purchase. For example, you could create a product review page as:

An expert staff member of a merchant that guides shoppers between competing products.
A blogger that provides independent opinions of products.
An editorial staff member at a news or other publishing site.”

This is the core of So Good Digital’s content marketing capabilities. We work with you as the expert to make sure our content is never lacking substance. We help you get external, independent articles that mention your brand, and we’ve helped you all get spots for your brands on publishing sites meaning more traffic, and more sales.

This update will only further validate suppliers, wholesalers, or any of our B2B clients with product listing. Competitors not following the above methodology, will only further be edged out.

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